Patriot Farm has been operating a CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) since 2016. The CSA system has been used successfully by smaller farms to ensure a strong customer base each year.

The farm’s customers (community) pre-pay for a share of the produce the farm will grow that year. This allows the farm to hire workers, buy seeds and prepare the land for the growing season. Throughout the season, each member of the CSA picks up produce on an assigned day of the week. Quantities and varieties vary each week as different vegetables come into season.

Patriot Farm’s CSA has been sold out every year, including the upcoming 2019 growing season.

Produce grown in 2018 included: Acorn Squash, Arugala, Basil, Beets, Bell Peppers (green, red, yellow), Bok Choi, Broccoli, Bush Beans, Butter- head Lettuce, Butternut Squash, Cabbage, Cantelope, Carrots, Cauliflower, Cayenne Pepper, Collard Greens, Corn, Cucumber, Delicata Squash, Dry Bush Beans, Eggplant, Habenero Pepper, Honeydew Melon, Iceberg Lettuce, Jalapeno Peppers, Kale,, Kolrabi, Lettuce Mix, Lima Beans, Mint, Pole Beans, Pumpkins, Radichio, Radish, Red Thai Chile Pepper, Romaine Lettuce, Scallion, Snow Peas, Spaghetti Squash, Sugar Snap Peas, Summer Squash, Swiss Chard, Tomatoes (many varieties), Turnips, Watermelon, Yellow Squash, Zuchini.

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